Baby Swimming

About the Program About the Program


Swimming school for children 6 months to under 3 years old.
Students will participate with their parents and have fun getting accustomed to the water.
Free attendance up to 8 times per month within the practice calendar.

Date and Time
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. ※Please check the practice calendar for dates.
Course fees
Monthly membership fee:6,930yen(tax included)You can attend up to 8 times a month.
Age Range
6 months to under 3 years old

※ Currently, we are not accepting applications or accepting new applicants for membership.

School Effect

01For skinship between parent and child

In infancy and early childhood, the relationship with parents is said to play an important role. Playing and moving with your child in the water is a fun way to develop skin-to-skin contact, deepen trust, and promote the baby's physical and mental growth and development.

02Can get used to the water.

Babies have little fear of water, so by familiarizing them with water at this age, they will be less afraid of it when they are older. Starting early will help ensure a smooth transition to swimming school.

03Promotes nerve and muscle development

Exercise in the water is a full-body workout with far more variation in movement than on land, allowing for the amount of exercise necessary for physical growth in a shorter period of time. By using the buoyancy of water to move the arms and legs freely, and by practicing this repeatedly, blood circulation is stimulated and nerve and muscle development is promoted.

"Starting now" is effective!

The nervous system is 80% developed from birth to age 5 and almost 100% at age 12.
Exercise is essential from infancy to childhood because this is an important period of rapid neural development and the formation of neural circuits.

What you need to bring with you when you apply



Ms. A.1 year and 1 month old girl mom

Since I started going to baby swimming, I am less likely to catch colds and I miss school less often.
It also helps that they take a good nap after a lot of fun at the pool.


Ms. B.1 year and 8 month old girl mom

By splashing a lot of water in the pool and practicing up-piping, I am no longer afraid to shower at home, and bath time has become easier.
On holidays, my dad joins the school with me, so it is a good opportunity for me to communicate with him.


Ms. C.1 year and 9 month old boy mom

I started going because I thought it would be good exercise for me and my children.
At first, she cried and had a hard time getting into the pool, but now she loves the water and looks forward to her weekly school time.

Dads are also welcome to participate!

Chaperoning parents can of course be dads, too! Enjoy skin-to-skin time in the pool with your children!


What is the target age group?
Students can be enrolled from the month they turn 6 months old until the month they turn 3 years old.
Is it safe if the mother is pregnant?
If you are at least 16 weeks pregnant and have no abnormalities in the course of your pregnancy, you may participate in the program after consulting with your physician. A separate Participant Consent Form must be submitted.
Can parents/guardians participate if they cannot swim?
Parents will be responsible for supporting their child's movement. No previous swimming experience is necessary.
What should I do if my child doesn't like it?
You don't have to force yourself to participate in lessons. Even if your child cannot practice as well as everyone else, he/she will gradually become accustomed to the water just by playing in the pool. Your child's coach will support them as they progress.
Does the guardian have to be the mother?
You do not have to be the child's father, grandparent, or other mother if you are the child's parent or guardian.

Baby Swimming Introduction Video

Inquiries about application and training
